Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger’s syndrome, also known as Asperger’s, is a health disorder caused due to developmental problems. People suffering from this problem have difficulties regarding social interactions, desire for sameness, restricted interests, and distinctive strengths. Also, they have specific strengths such as attention to detail, aptitude for specific recognition of patterns, and remarkable persistence and focus. These people face significant challenges such as depression, anxiety, uncoordinated movements, difficulties with non-verbal communication, and hypersensitivity to tastes, sounds, and light. There is significant variation of these problems in different people, and many can overcome these challenges by building more strengths.

Consideration of specific services and therapies, such as psychoactive medicines, occupational and physical therapies, speech therapy, and training classes for social skills and cognitive behavioral therapies, can help reduce the severity of this problem multiple times. This syndrome is significantly different from autism because behavioral patterns and communication signs differ. The people suffering from this problem have mild autism symptoms but have strong language skills, and there are no language delays. According to recently published scientific studies, this problem is caused due to presence of viruses, chemicals, and toxins in the environment. Other studies have shown that boys are more likely to be affected by this problem than girls.

Generally, the diagnosis of this problem involves the assessment of motor coordination, motor skills, behavior towards change, social interaction interests, facial expressions during conversations, and language skills. This is not considered a medical condition, so there is no treatment for this problem. These people require more support at work and school and different life activities. Early diagnosis is significantly helpful in providing the right support to the affected people to improve their day-to-day functioning and social interactions. Moreover, there is no medication for this problem, but using anti-psychotic, anti-anxiety, and anti-depressive medications helps with calmness and emotional regulation.

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