
Dyscalculia is a marked difficulty in learning numerical relationships and mathematical operations. The causes of dyscalculia are biologically determined peculiarities of information processing. The defect usually affects the acquisition of basic numeracy skills (counting, subtraction, multiplication and division). For many, mathematics has already caused difficulties in the first years of school, but there are people for whom this is not just a difficulty, even though they put in a lot of work, they cannot learn the material like other people. The reason for this is the peculiarities of brain activity with which a person is born. Dyscalculia affects about 3 to 6 percent of the population, experts say.

Signs of dyscalculia:

1) Difficulty remembering numerical symbols;

2) Difficulty learning the sequence (of numbers, months, days, etc.);

3) Narrowed scope of working memory;

4) Difficulty in automating the basic operations of mathematics;

5) Unsustainable attention;

6) Narrowed scope of attention;

7) Difficulty understanding mathematical concepts;

8) Visual spatial perception difficulties;

9) Many negative thoughts when thinking about mathematics;

10) Difficulty switching from one activity to another.

Facilitation in the learning process:

1) Promote a positive attitude;

2) Organize regular and short consultations;

3) Study in small groups;

4) Offer to teach other children;

5) Notice positive dynamics;

6) Enjoy positive growth together;

7) Discover human strengths;

8) Don't rush learning the subject matter;

9) Make sure that the previously learned material has remained in the long-term memory;

10) Reinforce verbal information with visual material;

11) Prepare and use reminders (eg addition, subtraction, multiplication and division tables);

12) Train auditory memory;

13) Provide longer and more frequent rest breaks for children with concentration difficulties;

14) Consultations of the special pedagogue;

15) Teach basic activities;

16) Teach to visualize actions so that it helps a person to remember the action.


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